This project was created by ,Aleksandra Aloric, Silvia Bartolucci and Barbara Bravi, developed by Sari Nusier and designed by DesignScience. It was cofunded by Cultural Institute of King's College London and NETADIS.

Aleksandra Aloric , Silvia Bartolucci and Barbara Bravi are PhD students in the Disordered
Systems group, King's College Mathematics department. Their common scientific interests consist of statistical physics approaches to complex systems, i.e. systems composed of many correlated elements. Applications of this type of research range from quantitative biology to materials science to socioeconomics.
Aleksandra comes from Serbia, where she graduated from University of Belgrade with a Master’s degree in Physics. She joined Disordered Systems group as a PhD student in autumn 2012. Her research focuses on collective behaviour in financial and biological systems, such as herding of traders or emergence of new species. Particularly, as most of her work relies on Game Theory, she likes playing games, and learning through games, but also creating games to inspire learning. She is a big fan of informal science education learning at unusual spaces museums, festivals, pubs... Before coming to London, she worked for Belgrade Science Festival for which she coauthored couple of outreach exhibitions such as “Physics over the rainbow” and "Physical Music Festival".
Silvia has been a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London since 2012. She did her BSc in Physics and her MSc in Theoretical Physics at Sapienza University of Rome , where she had the opportunity to learn about Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. Her current research project focuses on the mathematical modelling of the adaptive immune system using statistical mechanics tools. In particular she models the random interactions between different types of lymphocytes and cells giving rise to immune responses to understand the mechanism regulating our immune system. She is also passionate about teaching and engaging young people with the beauty and magic of Physics and Maths.
Barbara is Italian and studied Theoretical Physics at the university of Bologna before starting her PhD at King's College London in 2012. She is awarded a Marie Curie fellowship as Early Stage Researcher in the european network Netadis, which supports her first experiences in scientific outreach. Her present research projects focus on mathematical models for dynamics of biological processes, such as metabolism and genetic regulation inside cells: Barbara is actually extremely fascinated by the role of randomness in these microscopic systems, the building blocks of life. She is also deeply convinced that creativity has common roots and displays very similar features in science and art. They are both ways of manipulating languages or combining preexisting symbols to extract some originality. They are both driven by a concept of beauty, thus they can both rely on visual means for an effective outcome.

Sari Nusier is a second year student of Computer Science and Management at King's College London with an interest in low level programming and a wish to build new and exciting things using the latest technology. He is also interested in the business and entrepreneurial side of computers, looking to start a company and deliver modern solutions to people in need, advocating for the lean startup methodology. He joined the project in order to contribute to the building of new methods to learn and teach, while gaining valuable experience in interacting with clients.

Anne OdlingSmee is Director of Design Science (design-science.co.uk), a science communication and education agency aimed at encouraging interaction between design (as distinct from art) and science. Anne advocates participation as a crucial means of communicating science, which is about uncertainty. This project provides a prime opportunity to explore this potential, as well as to encourage feedback loops that are increasingly needed between design and science.

The Cultural Institute at King’s College London connects the university with practitioners, producers, policy makers and participants across arts and culture, creating space where conventions are challenged and original perspectives emerge. Through its programmes and activities, the Cultural Institute aims to put academic research to work in the cultural sector, enhance the student experience, inspire new approaches to teaching, research and learning and increase public engagement with the work of King’s. For more information, visit www.kcl.ac.uk/cultural/culturalinstitute/index.aspx

NETADIS is a Marie Curie Training Network funded by the European Commission (FP7 – Grant 290038) that aims to train a cadre of future research leaders in advanced methods of analysis, inference, control and optimization of network structure and dynamics. It was launched on the 01 March 2012 and its main objects include :
– to maximize the impact of statistical physics approaches across a broad range of application areas;
– to increase the public awareness of the importance of statistical physics as a
research area with significant impact on everyday life.
For more information, visit https://netadis.wordpress.com